New year resolutions are in the air again and I’m sure there are majorly two or three reasons why you reading this right now are not interested in writing any resolutions for this year. Many resolutions are made on the strength of what we intend to do or achieve in the new year.

If resolutions are decisions made in view of what is ahead then there must be something more important than making a resolution, there must be something stirring up or influencing the need for a resolution.

For lack of words let’s just call it “The Old Year Evaluation”. So before you make that new year resolution, please ensure that there is a drive to it, some level of dissatisfaction from how the previous year went that is influencing how you choose to see and walk in the new year, a resolution consists of actions but an evaluation is an exercise of vision (both backward vision and forward vision), I’m sorry I don’t mean to rhyme but I’m sure you will agree with me that action without a vision equals frustration, don’t look at me like that, say hmmn or snap your fingers, it’s just another statement. But now you see why many of those resolutions don’t work out or even last the first quarter of the year.

First of all let’s look at;


Jesus in Luke 12:16-21 tells the parable of a man who after making a great deal of profit decided it was time to expand his storage and then said to himself that he had made enough for many years and all he had to do from that point on was to chill.

Now many of us when we evaluate the past year, we have really done well in many things and achieved quite a number of goals and have also taken up the mind-set of chilling or stopping at that, but flash news is that the goal is not just to be wealthy but to have enough to remain relevant and relevance isn’t gotten from what we have but from who we are. Truly he might have made enough to feed on but in a changing world like ours, its almost impossible to make enough to keep us relevant and this is how we know that relevance can never be gotten from “things”.

Let’s gauge the guy a little further and liken his achievement to a Master’s degree, that’s good but how sustainable is it? Our generation is probably the most evolving generation that ever existed. It is believed there has been the Stone Age, the age of renaissance and all that and history tells how long and impactful those days lasted. But in our day, what is acceptable today becomes stale tomorrow and this is why you cannot rest on your oars, you need to get better and do more to stay relevant.

In ending this parable, Jesus said that God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?’ Look carefully at what Jesus described, your life will be taken from you, who will then inherit all these things you have gathered, God’s greatest creation is Man. Even God when he was creating things didn’t stop till he had created the greatest of all, the one that can continue and reciprocate the process he had started.

God did not rest on his oars, why should you? Oars are like paddles used to move water vehicle and when you’re going on a journey and start to rest on your oars, you lose balance and stand a chance to sink.So as this new year begins, celebrate your victories and the places you have done well, but don’t let it end there, there is always more, something to aim at, and something to reach for. And when you have a goal, celebrate that you have gone halfway, but run like you are far behind.

Part Two of Ayodele’s post will be up tomorrow!


Ayodele Okegbenro is a graduate of the University of Lagos (UNILAG), an HSE professional and a man after God’s heart. He is currently the Youth Co-ordinator of The Youth Church (TYC) of The African Church Cathedral Salem, Lagos, where he pastors youths, and is committed to rightly dividing the word of truth for their edification.

He is also the convener of Campus Revival, a co-founder and pastor of The Circumcision Crew (TCC). Ayodele Okegbenro is known for his practical approach to communicating the message of the Holy Bible, passionate and filled with love for the body of Christ.


Till next time, stay blessed and spiritually woke!

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